Moinak Dutta
Volume 1, Issue 2, p. 47
When I say
I am apolitical,
People do not believe me,
They think I am lying.
When I say
I am irreligious,
People do not believe me,
They think I am politically manipulating.
When I say
I am human,
People do not believe me,
They think I am pretending.
Next time,
I will claim
That I am political, religious, and inhuman!
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Moinak Dutta has a postgraduate degree in English, and he is presently employed as a teacher of English. Many of his poems and stories have been published in national and international anthologies and magazines, including The Statesman (Kolkata edition), World Peace Poetry Anthology (United Nations), Setu, and Nature Writing magazine. His first novel, Online@Offline, was published in 2014, and his second novel, In search of La Radice, was published in 2017. He has also edited the poetry collectionWhispering Poeisis.

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