Dawn’s First Bird’s Song
Megha Katoria
Volume 1, Issue 3
Intoxicated with the vision,
of the rising dawn,
Nestled on the floor,
of the oblivious world;
In a sleepy shudder,
dreaming of the saplings,
and the dawn’s first bird’s song;
Fobbed off with dying breath,
in violent spasm he lay,
Drenched in sweat and blood…
Slowly like poison,
the truth seeped inside him,
as he lay amongst the 206 bones × infinite dead men…
The dark swirl of memory,
made him foreplay,
the day of the war today…
Panting for last breath he lay,
amongst 206 bones × infinite dead men…
All his reservations,
of victory and defeat melted away.
as he dreamt of the saplings,
and the dawn’s first bird’s song…
PC: https://pixabay.com/photos/sunset-dawn-nature-mountains-3314275/
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Megha Katoria is presently working as an Assistant Professor of English at St. Bede’s College. She has been associated with The Search Report and Gen-Next Times as an Assistant Editor. Her research papers, poems, stories, articles, and book reviews have appeared in various journals, magazines, and newspapers like the Sad Girl Review, Fiction Quest, The Criterion, Galaxy, Dialogue, Ruminations, Research Chronicler, Keekli, Gen-Next Times, Dangerous Women Project (IASH) of The University of Edinburgh, and more.
Email: megha_kat@yahoo.com

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