Volume 1, Issue 3
It was not love at first sight for him,
but I am sure he loved me more and more with time,
His fingers holding mine,
I could tell, he was worth my death.
He chose the flames to impress,
that which spread like wild fire,
Consciously was I falling,
for him, whose lips craved mine.
He pulled me in so hard,
and let me sail through his soul,
I wrecked through his tears,
and discovered his deepest of weaknesses .
I found him more seducing,
than he who felt me compelling,
His touch felt like life,
but that was my span…just a few minutes.
With my own ashes he did show,
the vaporizing love he had for me,
I had no chance or voice to tell,
that ‘I'll wait forever for you.’
My destiny was fated to ash,
the moment he touched me.
PC: https://pixabay.com/photos/rose-red-rose-cigar-tobacco-leaves-1473695/
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This poem mine a lot Expression the feel to dept.I hope u know – my dear prince
how much that you are loved .having you here on the earth with as,lead success future in life.