Is there a fitness coach in you?
Vinayak Jawalkar
Volume 1, Issue 1, Pg 15-17
Amar would enjoy my stories and share his criticism. We graduated and wished each other good luck in our careers.
I had a friend, Amar, who was passionate about becoming a fitness coach. In our college days, he used to talk about how much he loved to be fit. On weekends, he spent his time in the gym instead of hanging out with us. All our college buddies were happy for him. His passion inspired us. His interest in fitness grew so much that he decided to make a career of it after graduation.
I liked spirituality and psychology. I also wanted to write stories. We admired each other’s passions. Amar would enjoy my stories and share his criticism. We graduated and wished each other good luck in our careers.
He landed his first job in an IT company. He wanted to save money and start his own gymnasium. With time, he became more focused on his IT job. He worked for three years while continuing his gym workouts.
Amar became determined to make quick money and move up the corporate ladder. He stretched his work hours, which drained his body and mind. His daily routine changed. He could not wake up at 5 a.m. for his regular workout, any more. He stopped going to the gym so that he could get some extra hours of sleep, which his body demanded. Two years passed by. He had become a project manager, and played a key role in his organisation.
After five years of slogging in the IT industry, Amar had made a fortune. He thought of opening his own gym and coaching people. But, then his desires changed. He fell in love with a girl and got married. He bought a luxurious car.
His interest in fitness started to disappear. He couldn’t create time for his passion.
He bought a bungalow, and it was a day of celebration.
But somehow, Amar had mixed feelings, and he couldn’t figure out the reason. He started to doubt if he was really happy with his wealth. He had gained weight after he quit the gym, and he was not happy with the way he looked and felt. Not long after, he gave up the idea of pursuing his dream. Everyday, he would drive to work with a feeling of regret.
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“My job pays my bill and gives me perks, but does it fulfil my dream?”
It was a drizzly evening and I felt like having some hot tea. Wanting to feel the rain and enjoy the chilly breeze, I decided to walk to a nearby restaurant, beside which was a new book store.
Usually, I prefer to go to the library to read; but, it had been a while since I had bought a book, so I made up my mind to check out what was in. Following a few minutes of browsing, I walked out, happily, after picking some English literature books.
As I was about to enter the restaurant, a huge guy got down from his car and waved at me. I could not recognise him, but he seemed to know me. Curiously, I slowly approached him.
It was Amar!
It had been seven years since we had met each other. We went to a restaurant and ordered some sandwich and tea. We talked a lot, and I was happy to know that he worked in a reputed company. He shared with me details of his work, family, and his new house.
While sipping the hot tea, we shared our college memories. Both of us enjoyed the drizzle.
I was working in a bank and led a comfortable life. I had been married then, and had a kid too. I told him that I was going to quit my bank job. It startled him. Considering that I was working in a bank and led a comfortable life; was married, and also had a kid, he was naturally surprised.
He asked, “Are you crazy? You want to quit a bank job?”
“Do you remember that I wanted to become a writer?” I replied.
He nodded.
“I will become one, soon,” I said.
But, he couldn’t accept that I was leaving my day job. He was unhappy with my decision.
“I like to write, so why can’t I become a writer?” I said.
He advised that I should not leave my secure income and comfortable lifestyle. He suggested, “You should first save money and buy a house.”
“My job pays my bill and gives me perks, but does it fulfil my dream?”
There was silence. Our conversation paused. His face showed no reaction. He started to listen.
The rain was pouring outside.
“If I’m not going to be a writer, I will become something that I am not,” I began. “I like my bank job. I make enough money. I get several perks. I live a good life. But, this is not all I want. I want something more”.
“Fulfilment,” I added, after a pause.
Finally, Amar broke his silence. He did not ask me why any more. He became curious and started to grill me. He wanted to know how I took this risky decision. No one leaves a secure bank job and risks his career. My job recognised my talents and gave me a life.
He interrogated “How did you find the courage to do it?” “Do you know the consequences of this risk?” “Isn’t it scary?”
I smiled at Amar and said, “If not now, then when. Yes, I have fears. And, that’s what pushes me to reach my goal. At some point, I have to face my fears. I choose to do it now.”
Amar’s face glowed. He looked at me with determination.
“It’s my insatiable desire to express myself,” I added.
His smile proved that he was listening.
He was surprised at my positive thoughts. He asked whether anyone criticised me for my decision.
“People criticise and I listen to them. I take their suggestions and bits of advice.
“Forget others. My own reasons stopped me from becoming who I wanted to be. I procrastinated and that became my roadblock. I feared to fail even before I started. It was a disaster.
“I found a hundred reasons not to write. I created a comforting circle and was happy to live an average life. I spent my leisure hours watching movies and hanging out with friends. But, I did not work towards my goal.
“Unless I have an internal urge to reach my goal, nothing will work.
“If I want to do something, I must start now.
“So, I let my goals drive me.
“Reason has always tried to stop my will. And, if I stop, I will stop forever. I think beyond reasons. I know I am taking a tough path and I’ll have a beautiful life.”
We conversed for thirty minutes. The rain stopped. It became dark and we wanted to leave.
I was happy to meet him. Before leaving, I asked him “Is there a fitness coach inside you?”
He smiled at me and said, “Yes. I will become one, soon.”
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Vinayak Jawalkar is an independent writer from Chennai, India. He helps start-ups boost their online brand presence by writing compelling blogs, SEO-focused articles, and engaging website content. He is adept at converting complex information into easily readable content. When he is not writing, you can find him relaxing on a beach, or doing yoga at home. You can contact him at vinayak0521@gmail.com, and follow him on Facebook at fb.me/vinayakjawalkars, and Instagram at vinayakjawalkars . To know more about Vinayak, visit pennbeyond.com.

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