
It Rained that Night
Shalini Das

Volume 1, Issue 3

It rained that night,

the night I walked away from you,

A walk on shredded glass,

I walked on bloody toes.

The weight of reality crushed me, and my very soul,

Like the broad daylight,

like the sun rays blinding my eyes.

What should I believe?

The eyes I once loved,

now gleamed with deceit.

A fish without water,

I reminded myself to breathe.

But Darling,

You did the purest thing

one could ever do;

To love selflessly, to care without any hope.

Pity their luck, it's their loss,

life moves on, even if people leave,

Make yourself happy, you are your own boss.


PC: https://pixabay.com/photos/rain-water-window-dark-night-room-2589417/


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About the Author:

Shalini Das is currently pursuing a Master's degree in English Literature. An avid reader, her favourite genres include history, mythology and mystery.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/the_over_thinker09

Email: shalini09das@gmail.com


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